Sunday, July 31, 2016

Published 9:05 PM by with 0 comment

Detail of all Buffalo Breeds Using In Dairy Farming

In India buffalo is demanding animal for it's high yielding ability,buffalo's milk contain on an average 7 to 8% Fat and it's good to reproduce butter,cheese & other milk products,In India different region vise different buffalo breeds are available but  mostly 7 breeds are use for dairy farming,here are the list of buffalo breeds.


On the basis of regions the buffalo breeds are :-

2.Nilli Ravi 


1.  Bhadawari


2.South Kanara

But in professional dairy farming mostly "7 breeds are very popular" for it's high milk yield and high fat contain,Click on link to know about that particular breed for detail information.

1.Murrah buffalo
2.Jaffarabadi buffalo
3.Bhadawari buffalo
4.Surti buffalo
5.Nili Ravi buffalo
6.Mehsani buffalo
7.Nagpuri buffalo

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Saturday, July 30, 2016

Published 9:10 PM by with 0 comment

All Detail About Murrah Buffalo

History :- Murrah breed is from southern parts of Haryana comprising the districts of rohtak, Jind, Hisar, Jhajhar, Fatehabad, Gurgaon and the Union Territory of Delhi. However, this breed has spread to almost all parts of the country.In fact, this breed has even found in Bulgaria, Philippines, Malaysia, Thailand, China, Indonesia, Bangladesh, Nepal, former USSR, Myanmar, Vietnam, Brazil and Shri Lanka.

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Average Laction Yield :- 1500-2500 Liters

Laction Length             :- 300 (minimum 200) Days

Calving Interval           :-
400-500 Days

Age at First Calving     :-
42-52 Months

FAT% In Milk               :- 6.9-7.5%

Physical Characteristics

Body Colour 
The color is jet black. Rarely white markings on face and leg

short,tight,turning backward and upward and finally spirally curving inward.
As the age advances the horns get loosened slightly but spiral curves increase.
Eyes are  Black,active and prominent in females but slightly shrunken in males
and should not be walled i.e. cornea should not have whiteness.

Long reaching upto fetlock joint with black or white (max. 6 inches) switch.

Neck & Skin
Neck is long and thin in females and thick and massive in males.
Skin is Soft, smooth with scanty hair as compared to other buffaloes.

Fully developed, drooping with equally distributed teats over the udder.
teats are long, and places uniformly wide apart but hind teats are longer than fore teats.


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Friday, July 29, 2016

Published 10:08 AM by with 0 comment

All Detail About Jaffarabadi Buffalo

History :-Jaffarabadi buffalo is native breed of Saurashtra region of Gujarat especially areas in and around Gir forest viz., Junagarh, Bhavanagar, Jamnaagar, Porbandhar, Amreli and Rajkot districts, Jaffarabadi is the heaviest of all the Indian breeds of buffaloes. It is also called as Bhavnagri, Gir or Jaffari. The breed is named after the town of Jaffarabad,
These buffaloes characteristically differ from other breeds mainly in terms of kilo fat.

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Average Laction Yield :-
1300-1850 Liters

Laction Length             :- 300 Days

Calving Interval           :-447 Days

Age at First Calving     :-40-45 Months

FAT% In Milk               :-7.7%

Physical Characteristics:-



Body color 
The usual colour of the animals is black but few animals having grey colour or white spotes on forehand, feet and tail switch are also seen.

The horns are inclined to droop on each side of the neck and then turn up at the tips, the curls being not as tight as in the Murrah breed. The horns usually emerge out by compressing the head, go downward sideways, upward and finally forming a ring like structure.     

Rarely white markings on forehead,feet and tail switch may be there.   

 Horns makes eyes to look small, termed as sturdy eye, and especially in males, sometimes it leads to blindness.     
Tail is Medium in size     

The adult Jaffrabadi animals have usually long massive and comparatively compact and fat body.     

Head is big and massive.Forehead is prominent being convex in 86.42% adult animal.The bone of forehead is wide and covers the eyes partially to give characteristic “Sleepy Eyes” appearance, especially in adult males.   

Udder is well developed. Pendulous and round udders are found in almost equal proportions. Forequarter is slightly larger than the hindquarter.
Teats are mostly funnel shaped and have pointed tips. Milk vein is medium in size.
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Thursday, July 28, 2016

Published 8:47 PM by with 0 comment

All Detail About Bhadawari Buffalo

History :- First described this breed as “Bhadawan” buffalo –the best breed of buffaloes in Uttar Pradesh found in the districts of Agra and Etah (Central India).The body is of medium size and of wedge shape.Bhadawari can easily tolerate the extreme weather conditions in the ravines where maximum temperature goes up to 48oC. Unlike Murrah buffaloes they do not demand frequent bath and wallowing,but enjoy it if given a chance.

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Average Laction Yield :-
1100-130 Liters

Laction Length             :-
270 Days

Calving Interval           :-
478 Days

Age at First Calving     :-
50-52 Months

FAT% In Milk               :-

Physical Characteristics



Body color
Bhadawari animals are usually copper coloured with scanty hair, which are black at the roots, and reddish-brown at the tips, sometimes the hairs are completely brown.   

The horns are characteristically placed, flat, and compact and of average thickness, growing backwards and then upward turning inwards with slightly pointed tips.    

The tail is long, thin and flexible running down the hocks with black and white or pure white switch.   

Bhadawari animals are medium sized with wedge-shaped bodies.   

The head is comparatively small, light and bulging out between the horns and sloping down slightly towards the forehead. In males it is slightly heavier and coarse.
Ears are of average size, rough and pendulous.

The udder is not so well developed as in the case of Murrah buffaloes, but the milk veins are fairly prominent.   

The teats are of medium size though not of uniform length.
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Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Published 8:03 PM by with 0 comment

All Detail About Surti Buffalo

History :- The home tract of Surti buffaloes is in the South western part of Gujarat,found in Anand, Nadiad, Kaira and Baroda district,it is also commonly found in South Rajasthan extending over to Udaipur, Bhilwara, Rajsamand, Chittorgarh and Dungarpur distts,surti buffalo is medium in body size as compared to heavy breeds, consumes less feed,It is maintained easily by landless, small and marginal farmers.

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Average Laction Yield :-
1300-1400 Liters

Laction Length             :-
290 Days

Calving Interval           :-
535 Days

Age at First Calving     :-
52-56 Months

FAT% In Milk               :-
7.5 %

Physical Characteristics



Body color
Coat colour of Surti buffaloes varies from rusty brown to silver grey.

Horns are flat, of medium length, sickle shaped and are directed downward and backward, and then turn upward at the tip to form a hook.

White markings is found on forehead, legs and switch of tail and these characteristics  preferred by farmers.

A white streak of hair is usually seen over the eyebrows.

The tail is fairly long, thin having white tuft.

Surti buffaloes are of medium size, having a straight back, small dewlap and naval flap.

Head is elongated, fairly broad and rounded between horns.                

Two or three white strips on the neck is very typical character of the breed.
Ears are drooping with reddish surface and lower border with whitw hairs.
Udder is well  developed, finely shaped and squarely placed between the hind legs.
Teat are found as cylindrical/funnel/pearl shaped.
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Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Published 5:59 PM by with 0 comment

All Detail About Nili Ravi Buffalo

History :- Actually Nili & Ravi were two different breeds long before, but due to the passage of time and with intensive crossbreeding, the two breeds converted into single breed named Nili-Ravi. Nili-Ravi buffaloes are found in almost all the districts, with major concentration in Amritsar, Gurdaspur and Ferozepur districts of Indian Punjab and in Lahore, Sheikhupura, Faizabad, Okora, Sahiwal, Multan, Bohawalpur and Bahwalnagar districts of Pakistan Punjab. However, due to good dairy characteristics of this breed in Pakistan, Nili-Ravi buffaloes are found in whole of Pakistan with major concentration in buffalo colony at Karachi.

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Average Laction Yield :-
1950-2000 Liters

Laction Length             :-
300 Days

Calving Interval           :-
445-525 Days

Age at First Calving     :-
42-46 Months

FAT% In Milk               :-

Physical Characteristics



Body color
The color is usually black but brown is not uncommon.

Nili-Ravi buffaloes are large size and have deep and low set frames.

White markings are found on hind legs,fore legs & white spots on forehead, muzzle.

Neck is long and thin in females while it is thick and powerful in the male.

Horns are small, tightly curled but slightly less curled as compared to that of Murrah and circular in cross section.

They are usually walled eyes.

The head is elongated, bulging at top and is depressed between eyes.

Udder is well shaped,capacious and extends well forward upto naval flap.

teats are long, even squarely placed.

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Monday, July 25, 2016

Published 6:47 PM by with 0 comment

All Detail About Mehsani buffalo

History :- The breeding tract of this breed is Mehsana, Sabarkantha and Banaskantha districts of Gujarat state.This is supposed to have been crossbreeding between the Surti and the Murrah.

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Average Laction Yield :-
1500-1800 Liters

Laction Length             :-
310 Days

Calving Interval           :-
476 Days

Age at First Calving     :-
42.9 Months

FAT% In Milk               :-

Physical Characteristics


Body Colour
The colour is usually black to grey, with white markings often on face, legs or tail-tips.
The body is longer than in Murrah and the limbs lighter.

The head is longer and heavier.

The horns usually are less curved at the end compared to Murrah breed but are longer and could be of irregular shape.

The udder is well shaped.
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Sunday, July 24, 2016

Published 7:22 PM by with 0 comment

All Detail About Nagpuri buffalo

History :- Nagpuri buffalo is originally from Nagpu,Akola & Amrawati districts of Maharashtra,This breed derives its name from Nagpur district and is popularly called Varhadi (Berari), Ellicpuri / Achalpuri, particularly in Akola, Amravati, Buldhana and Yavatmal districts,Nagpuri bul locks are good for heavy trotting work but slow in movement.

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Average Laction Yield :-
825 Liters

Laction Length             :-
270 Days

Calving Interval           :-
430 Days

Age at First Calving     :-
52-56 Months

FAT% In Milk               :-

Physical Characteristics

Body color
Black(82.05%), Bhura/Brown(17.5%) with White patches on face,legs and tail.

Long flat, wide and thick at the base carried backwards in each side of the neck nearly upto the shoulders resembling like a pair of swords. Length (cm) Male: 54-55 and Female: 61-62

White patches on face, legs and tail.   

Short tail with white patches Length (cm) Male: 54-55 and Female: 51-52.   

Medium sized animals. Body Weight (kg) Male:400 and Female: 375.

Long and thin, cone shaped face with straight nasal bone.Depending upon the degree of white patches on the forehead and nasal portion these animals are locally called as “Ardh-Chandri, Chandri, Gal-Bhondi and Kapal-Bhondi”.   

Face is long and thin,cone shaped with straight nasal bone.

Long with compact and cylindrical barrel.   

Ears are medium in size with pointed tips.   

Limbs are long and light.
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